Like a few others ( OK, like a LOT of other people) I got an advance "copy" of the new disc. I've read the reviews ( Rolling Stone, etc.). Is it the next great album since Acthung Baby? Is it crap? Is it a good rock and roll album? Well...
I'm leaning towards the last choice. Brian Eno and Daniel Lanois co-wrote most of the album and play all over it. Fortunately Eno's synths don't drown out or overwhelm the band and it is a band record. The rhythm section of Clayton and Mullen jr. is as solid as ever and they carry the tracks along allowing the Edge to do his thing and his guitar is everywhere. This is very much a guitar album. While there are only a few "solos" and maybe nothing as heavy as the Fly or Til the End of the World there's plenty "U2" sounds here. The weakest link is Bono.
The lyrics and many of the vocal lines are just not that grabbing. On the disc, Bono seems to be more of an observer than a participant and his observations just aren't that memorable. He's not Ray Davies. Likewise many of the gang vocal chorus are weak and lack the counterpoints and melodies that U2 is known for.
So is it crap? Nope. Just a good rock and roll ALBUM.
I used the work ALBUM on purpose. No Line needs to be listened to from start to finish. There's no concept here. It's not the group's Tommy or The Wall, but each track seems to move into the next and the sounds seem to build in one track and continue in the next.
Worth Buy? Yes. Even though I have this "copy", on March 3rd, I'll be at my local record shop picking up this album. Will I buy the super deluxe addition? Probably not.
No Line on the Horizon is a good U2 album. Period.
It blends the experimentation of Zooropa with the band's classic style and some new sounds have leaked in. After nearly 30 years, U2 is still moving forward towards the perfect album. They didn't hit it here but they didn't miss by a lot.
Rating 8/10
High Points - Magnificent, No Line on the Horizon, Stand Up Comedy, I'll Go Crazy...
Low Points - Moment of Surrender, Unknown Caller
The next single, my guesses are either Stand Up Comedy or Magnificent.
I'm not posting the disc, find it yourself or better yet go out on March 3rd and buy it.
( If you agree or not drop me a post)
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